Monday, November 2, 2009

Open Mouth, Insert Both Feet

I am officially a dumb ass. Okay, maybe I'm being a little too hard on myself. You be the judge...

My what-I-like-to-think-of-as-ADD-related-impulsivity-but-may-just-be-plain-boneheadedness tendency to blurt things out finally got the best of me. Long story, but my husband Lance's grandfather turned 95 last month and he flew to Savannah, GA for his birthday party/family reunion. He flew out for the weekend, but his brother and wife (who I'll call "Lynn" and "Rob") opted to drive there with my mother-in-law (insert scary, Psycho-shower-scene music here). For anyone not familiar with the rocky relationship we have had, you can read my blog entitled "A Partner in Patriotism" (aka, "Making Lemonade Out of Lemons").

Lynn and Rob should be sainted, let me tell you. There is no way I could be sober and handle being cooped up in a car with my mother-in-law for a 2-day drive. Apparently realizing the gravity of her situation, Lynn posted a tongue-in-cheek Facebook status report asking for her FB buddies' prayers right before they left. After she returned, Lynn sent me a message on Facebook telling me (at least I thought it was only me) that she had posted photos of the reunion. Being the smart ass that I am (when I'm not being a dumb ass, mind you) , I replied, "I guess you survived the drive with Mona (not her real name). I would have loved to have been a fly on THAT wall." Hit "reply all."

WHAT??!! Reply ALL? Who sends personal messages to multiple people? Yep, Lynn had ALSO sent the message to my father-in-law's family, her kids, sister-in-law, etc., none of whom I know all that well. Of course, I had to send the obligatory, "Oops! Didn't mean to reply to ALL of you"/egg on my face message. What else can you do at that point? Lynn thought it was funny.....hopefully my husband will. Not that I'M gonna be the one to tell him. I just hope there's not another reunion any time soon.

Time heals all wounds or at least obliterates them, right?

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